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Childhood Wonder


The secret of youth is maintaining your childlike wonder. It brings that excitement of experiencing something for the first time, the awe of seeing magic in the sky and being close to another living thing or even moving your body in a new way.

I will be vulnerable and share; my husband will sometimes remark, I am seeing nine-year-old Manon. When I get giddy and excited over seemingly small things, it brings back a youthful joy and delight into my experience. This wonder is the gratitude one holds for being blessed enough to have that experience and the awareness that the world conspired to give you this moment.

Childhood wonder also allows us to remain curious and expectant of wonderful things to appear before us. It is seeing beauty in all things before the world can pollute our minds and tell us they are not beautiful. Here are a few ways to re-introduce childlike wonder into your own experience.

1. Smile at everything

2. Get on a swing

3. Sing out loud

4. Dance to the music

5. Wear a hat

6. Get on a bicycle

7. Try a new food

8. Recant an old nursery rhyme

9. Collect small things from nature like a rock or a pinecone

10. Look at the majestic sky in awe

Here are a few famous quotes for more inspiration as you celebrate and release the joyful child in you.

With love,


“She decided to free herself, dance into the wind, create a new language. And birds fluttered around her, writing ‘yes’ in the sky.” ~ Monique Duval

“Grown men can learn from very little children, for the hearts of little children are pure. Therefore, the Great Spirit may show them many things that older people miss.” ~ Black Elk

“You don’t stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing.” ~ Michael Pritchard



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