As a Coach, I want to remind you that your life is like a buffet. You have the power to choose what you put on your plate, and you deserve to have fresh, ripe fruit at your table. However, sometimes we settle for rotting fruit because we feel like that's all that's available to us.
But here's the thing: you deserve better. You deserve to be treated with respect and dignity by those around you. If someone is not treating you to your expected standard, it's time to take action. Standing up for yourself is an essential part of the hero's journey, and it takes bravery and a willingness to take risks. But it's worth it because it sends a message to those around you that you will not settle for less than you deserve.
Imagine if you kept eating rotting fruit at your buffet. It would make you sick and unhappy. The same goes for your life. If you continue to accept less than you deserve, it will only lead to unhappiness and dissatisfaction.
As a Coach, I encourage you to take a stand for yourself. Set your standards high and demand to be treated with respect and dignity. It's not always easy, but it is essential for your personal growth and self-empowerment. So, whether you are facing a difficult boss, a challenging personal relationship, or any other situation where your dignity and respect are on the line, remember that standing up for yourself is not only important but also heroic. Don't settle for less than you deserve; don't let anyone treat you like a second-rate citizen. Raise your standard, and watch as others rise to meet you.
Remember that you have the power to choose what you put on your plate, and you deserve only the freshest, ripest fruit at your table of life. Do not settle for anything less, and do not be afraid to eliminate those who don't rise to your standards. By doing so, you will create space at your table for those who deserve to be there and together you can enjoy the fresh fruits of your reward. Ultimately, you will lead a happier, more fulfilling life for yourself.
